The New Age Movement: Highway to Hell | EWTN (2024)


American Life League

And many false prophets will rise and deceive many ... For false christs and false prophets will arise and show great signs and wonders so as to deceive, if possible, even the elect. See, I have told you beforehand.

Matthew 24:11, 25.

Anti-Life Philosophy.

Every person should be free to pursue his or her version of spirituality. After all, every person IS God.

Contrary to what far-Right religious control freaks say, the various tools of the "New Age" movement are useful and necessary for self-empowerment and spiritual development. The only reason that conservative Christians oppose the use of such empowering techniques is that they want to control everyone's lives.

The Deadliness of the "New Age."

Whom the mad would destroy, they first make gods.

British journalist Bernard Levin.[1]

A Nationwide Loss of Faith.

The United States is now one of the most unchurched countries in the world. In fact, almost all "Westernized" nations seem to have lost their faith in Jesus Christ.

Our nation's commitment to God is shallower now that it has been at any time since its founding more than two centuries ago. Through Modernism, we have rejected God and set ourselves up in His place.

However, man is essentially a spiritual being. He needs to believe in a supernatural force. As St. Augustine once remarked, "There is a God-shaped hole in every person."

As Christians know, Satan is powerful, but lacks imagination. All of his evil works consist of warping and perverting what God originally created to be entirely good.

So Satan has eagerly stepped into our nation's painful spiritual vacuum with a bewildering plethora of "New Age" beliefs and practices: A "counterfeit Christianity."

The "New Age" Fills the Gap.

The "New Age" movement is an enduring facet of American culture. We spend billions of dollars every year on fortune telling, Tarot cards, astrology, channeling, cryptozoology, and hundreds of other dubious and ineffective methods and trinkets.

Even if all this is a waste of good money, it all seems so harmless like a hobby, perhaps. At least it keeps people busy and content. At least it provides some semblance of spirituality.

Or is it so harmless?

The "New Age" movement is unquestionably the 'glue' that holds the core of the anti-life movement and its many components together. It is perhaps Satan's most devastatingly effective weapon, because it is the antithesis of Christianity. Christians allow themselves to be controlled and led by the supernatural in their case, Jesus Christ. "New Age" devotees, on the other hand, seek the opposite: To control the supernatural.

What "New Age" practitioners do not know, of course, is that it is Satan who is doing the controlling. And the reward he has in store for his slavish followers is too hideous to contemplate.

Who Is Behind the "New Age?"

Satan, also known as Lucifer, or "Light-Bearer," was the most beautiful and intelligent Angel of all before he was cast out of Heaven for trying to take God's place. He is still trying to take God's place by adopting his most seductive mask in the form of the "New Age" Movement.

This fact is actually acknowledged by leading "New Age" practitioners.

Many New Age religions envision the coming of a last and greatest "Christ" (an 'Avatar'), named the Lord Maitreya, who will fulfill all of the prophecies of all religions for a savior, teacher, and prophet, and who will solve every environmental, social, religious, racial, and economic problem in the world, thereby leading us from the shortsighted, unfulfilled "age of Pisces" into the enlightened and divine "age of Aquarius." Amazingly, most 'major' New Age religions fully recognize that Lord Maitreya will be completely under the control of a being called Lucifer.

However, New Agers simply do not recognize that Lucifer is in reality Satan. Alice A. Bailey of the Theosophical Society describes Lucifer as "... the oversoul of the great collective consciousness of mankind." David Spangler, in his book Reflections on the Christ, says that "Lucifer works with each one of us, to bring us to wholeness, as we move into the New Age," and that "It is necessary to take a Luciferian Initiation if one is to enter the New Age alive."

This could not be a better description of the activities of the Antichrist.

Discerning the Source.

Christians must remember that, despite his great power, Satan is only a created creature, and thus cannot create an original entity on his own. He operates by perverting the work of God. As just one example, Satan took God's beautiful creation of sex and has twisted it into a thousand cruel and ugly perversions: Pedophilia, fetishes, hom*osexuality, p*rnography, artificial contraception, abortion, and bestial*ty. He is doing the same thing to the Christian religion with his New Age perversions.

The central objection Christians have to the "New Age" movement is the result of a simple and logical three-step exercise in the process of elimination. There is no "New Age" practitioner who has ever been able to refute this classically simple logic. Instead, they employ torrents of verbiage and Newspeak to try and confuse the issue.


(1) There are only two ultimate sources of supernatural power: GOD and SATAN.

(2) The "New Age" movement involves supernatural phenomenon which are, quite obviously, not of God.

(3) Therefore, by simple elimination, all "New Age" supernatural phenomena must be Satanic.


There can be no doubt whatever that the Devil is the motivating force behind the "New Age" movement. This seductive philosophy has lured millions of one-time Evangelicals and Catholics into its sticky trap, from which there seems to be no escape. Once a person has tasted total freedom and has gained 'permission' to construct his own reality at will, the idea of organized religion and the concept of any type of moral or ethical limitation is repugnant.

In short, the "New Age" movement is nothing more or less than ancient Paganism repackaged in a much more attractive and seductive format.

The True Nature of the "New Age" Movement.

You too shall be as God; you surely shall never die.

Satan speaking to Eve in Genesis 3:4-5.

The Bottom Line.

The true essence of the "New Age" movement can be summarized quite simply;


Jay Rosen, media critic and Professor of Journalism at New York University, summed up the essential essence of the "New Age" when he said that "The New Age is just another name by which the hollowness of modernity has been known. People want instant and total change, and New Age scams from psychics to astrologers flourish by letting people believe they can change themselves without effort or discipline. They tell people what they want to hear and give them vague advice they're already predisposed to follow."

According to Harvard theologian Harvey Cox, "The New Age Movement is a kind of yuppie religious expression in which you can have everything without any discomfort or pain or inconvenience."

In summary, if everyone is God, moral standards of any kind have been totally eliminated, and nothing at all can be called 'wrong.' Therefore, the person who immerses him/herself in the New Age movement is making an attempt at eradicating a deep-seated guilt.

For a detailed description of the manner in which guilt tortures and drives the Neoliberal, see Chapter 2 in Volume I, "The Anti-Life Mentality."

'Theology' On the Loose.

Much of the "New Age" theological mishmash is rooted in Hinduism, which teaches that God is not a person, but a principle, an idea, or an emotion. People are simply points in a circle, because there is really no Creation, and we are all striving for nothingness. There is no reality outside of us, and so all reality exists inside us. Hindu ethics will tolerate no absolutes; everything depends on the situation.[2] There is no such thing as personal or individual sin, but only collective sin that is causing hunger or pollution or racism. This, of course, frees the individual from any responsibility for cleaning up his own life.

Hinduism and Buddhism teach reincarnation, by which a soul is reborn again and again as it tries to 'work off' bad karma so that it may eventually cease to exist and join the 'cosmic nothingness' of Nirvana.

Christianity, of course, is antithetical to the New Age, because its commandments and tenets are 'restrictive' and 'hold people back' from 'attaining their full potential' in the spiritual evolutionary process.

Of course, some parts of the "New Age" movement borrow heavily from Christianity in particular the Old Testament but not in order to build on the Bible's teachings, but to warp them. The results can be spectacularly silly.

Many "New Age" practitioners assert that Jesus earned His divinity (or "Christship") as a guru who attained near-perfection though Transcendental Meditation but that He is nowhere near as 'perfect' as Buddha or Mohammed.

As one example, the Spring 1989 issue of The World Peace Agenda postulated that Jehovah, or "commander," had a brother Jehovah. In fact, an entire tribe having this name had Mars as a residence for some time during this period of the Old Testament. The entity known as Jesus was essentially from the Intergalactic Space Command, or the Max Pax the Galactic Man.
These entities basically being high vibration creations, entered into the realm of Terrestia from the area of Celestria. Jesus moved through the various vibratory planes until he was born as a physical being upon this earth ... Essentially, Jehovah was a renegade from the outer space connections ...

Objections from the Skeptics.

Christians aren't the only persons who object to the "New Age" philosophy.

Since its inception in 1976, the 600-member Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal (CSI-COP), meeting periodically at the University of Chicago and other campuses, has described the entire body of "New Age" beliefs as "bunk," "rubbish," "idiocy," and "nonsensical drivel."[3] The CSI-COP publishes the Skeptical Inquirer, which relentlessly pans not only the "New Age" beliefs, but most Christian tenets as well in other words, anything that cannot be proven by science.

There's One Born Every Minute.

When the need is strong, there are those who will believe anything.

American writer Arnold Lobel.[1]

Diversity of the Movement.

The "New Age" movement is definitely a business, and a very lucrative one at that for those who have the right words, attitude and appearance. Curiously, many of the same people who ridicule those who contribute to televangelists will turn right around and spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars on various pieces of useless "New Age" junk.

People in this country spend $100 million annually on chunks of plain quartz whose geometry they believe has healing and prophetic power. Americans also annually spend $300 million on "New Age" videos and tapes. Shirley MacLaine cleared $1,500,000 on her 1986 15-city tour an average of about $8,000 per 'working' hour.

The "New Age" movement is not restricted to a small bunch of unwashed hairies living in the Oregon hills it is far more pervasive than most people think. Most individuals have heard of many of the terms listed in Figure 130-1, all of which are part of the "New Age" language and culture.

FIGURE 130-1

Alpha brain wave training
Astral (out-of-body) experiences
Luciferian initiations
B'ahai Faith
Shirley MacLain
Alice A. Bailey (Theosophical Society)
Meditations (certain programs)
Edgar Mitchell (Institute of Noetic Sciences)
Myers-Brigg Type Indicator Workshops
Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Native American sweat lodges (reconstructions)
(founder of the Theosophical Society)
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (Enneagram)
Breathing regimens (certain programs)
"New Age" diets, real estate, and travel
"New Age" management training courses
Church Universal and Triumphant (CUT)
Ouija boards
Color healing
Out-of body experiences,
including near-death experiences (NDEs)
Crystals and other shapes used for "empowering"
"Past life regression analysis"
Dream Workshops
Positive thinking (certain programs)
Dungeons and Dragons game
Elizabeth Clare Prophet
Erhardt Sensitivity Training (est) Forum Seminars
(Church Universal and Triumphant)
Marilyn Ferguson (biofeedback)
Psychics and 'psychic surgeons'
Flotation tanks
Fortune telling
Hare Krishna
Holistic health therapy
Ruth Banks' Quest Schools (Superlearning)
Silva Mind Control
Barbara Marx Hubbard
David Spangler ('Luciferian Initiations')
(New Testament evolutionary)
Spirit guides
Human Potential Seminars
Tarot card reading
Hypnosis and subliminal training tapes
Institute of Noetic Sciences
Unitarian Universalist Church
"Journey to the Self" Seminars

Ancient 'Wisdom?'

The "New Age" movement is a vast and nebulous conglomeration of Eastern religion, magic, warped Christianity, and, rarely, good old-fashioned horse sense brightly packaged and given a jawbreaker name. It is inevitable, therefore, that some of the antics of the "New Age" gurus and their followers would be hilarious and highly entertaining.

J.Z. Knight, a Yelm, Washington housewife who breeds Arabian horses, has an interesting and very lucrative sideline; she "channels" the thoughts, ideas and philosophy of 'Ramtha,' a 35,000 year old warrior who lived in the lost city of Atlantis. Ramtha has even dictated a book through Knight entitled I Am Ramtha, appropriately printed by Beyond Words Publishing. Knight has made an estimated $5,000,000 from people who pay $150 per session to hear the 'wisdom' of Ramtha, who instructs them to pray for mink coats, BMWs, summer homes in the Hamptons, and cabs during the rush hour.[4]

Gerry Bowman of Los Angeles channels John the Evangelist on radio KIEV promptly at midnight every Sunday night. Another channeler, Jo Ann Karl, speaks for the Archangel Gabriel. Karl also claims that she was married to St. Peter. Her views on life with the Apostles are as follows: "We traveled widely with Jesus, teaching with Him. After He was crucified, we continued to teach and travel for several more years, until we were caught by the Romans. Peter was crucified, and I was raped, pilloried, and thrown to the lions. Now I understand why I've always been afraid of large animals."[4]

Jimmy Hoffa, being channeled by an Austin resident, described his untimely demise: "They cold-co*cked me with something and then dumped me into a junk car compactor. I finally landed in a smelter, and that is one hell of a way to be cremated."[4]

In June of 1988, tens of thousands of "New Age" devotees gathered at eleven "critical points" on the earth's surface and chanted and sang for the purpose of propelling the earth and all of its people "to the next step in evolution." Many people, including ultraliberal Garry Trudeau of "Doonesbury" fame, satirically referred to the event as the "Moronic Convergence."

Unfortunately, despite the Convergence, we are apparently still mired in our current lowly stage of evolution. However, the "New Agers" will certainly try again at another auspicious time.

Waiting for Better Times.

Some of the concrete manifestations of the "New Age" movement are physically bizarre and not always innocuous.

Take the American Cryonics Society as a case in point. This group believes that death is only a temporary inconvenience, and that the body (or parts of it) may be quick-frozen like chicken drumsticks, to be revived in some far and better future, where it may be defrosted, repaired, and cured of whatever killed it in the first place.

Sometimes the "cryophiles" get carried away in their eagerness to wake up in the year 3000. In one instance, six members of the Alcor Life Extension Foundation in Riverside, California were questioned in 1988 after they cut off and froze one client's head before she had legally been declared dead![5]

Leaders of the Cryonics Society envision finding large structures (say, abandoned Titan missile silos) that could be filled with liquid nitrogen and "suspension members" (i.e., frozen heads) that would be revived at some future date. Says Jerry White, founder of the Cryonics Society, "I was envisioning these big silos just full of liquid nitrogen, the liquid nitrogen generators busy 24 hours a day just spewing stuff in there, and you could see thousands of patients in there, see them bobbing around."[5]

What a perfectly charming scene!

Future Schlock.

Metaphysics is almost always an attempt to prove the incredible by an appeal to the unintelligible.

H.L. Mencken.[1]

Futurology is a legitimate science, now employed by sociologists, demographers, economists, and many others to forecast probabilities that certain events involving society will or will not happen at some time in the future.

All of us make forecasts about the future every day as we go about our lives. For example, we forecast that all of the members of our family will live another week when we fill up a shopping cart at the local Safeway.

There is a difference between forecasting, which implies a specific probability, and prediction, which is an absolute statement about the future. The difference between the two is illustrated below;

Prediction: "Alleged sex offender Senator Bob Packwood will be recalled by 62 percent of Oregon voters in a special election."

Forecast: "There is a 60 to 65 percent probability that alleged sex offender Bob Packwood will avoid a special election entirely by using his considerable influence, by laying low, and by waiting out the opposition."

There is currently a large body of 'seers,' astrologists, and self-proclaimed 'experts' who predict with absolute confidence that a certain event will or will not happen on or by a certain specific date. While we can generally discount these predictions, they are very valuable in one sense.

We know that most of the people making these predictions are extremely liberal. We also know that people tend to dream about and project into the future their own ideal world. Therefore, we might reasonably assume that the body of predictions that these people produce accurately reflect the Neoliberal's idea of an "ideal world."

In order to give an idea of what this "ideal world" will look like, Figure 130-2 lists some predictions, all made in the years 1970 to 1980. This list is valuable in two respects; it lets us take a peek at the Neoliberal's ideal world, and, for those predictions which have already been proven wrong, it shows us just how undependable (and amusing) such predictions are.[6]

FIGURE 130-2

1973: Paul Ehrlich predicts that 65 million Americans will die of hunger by 1985.

1977: Billy Carter wins acclaim for his sensitive portrayal of a priest in a motion picture.

1977: General Motors introduces a car ("The Thoughtmobile") that is directed by the driver's thoughts.

1977: Red Foxx becomes an evangelist.

1979: Muhammad Ali is elected to the United States Congress (note that 1979 is not even an election year)!

1979: Glenda Jackson wins an Oscar for her portrayal of transsexual Renee Richards.

1979: President Carter is seriously injured in a hang-gliding accident.

1979: Pope John Paul II visits Disney World.

1983: Wardell Pomeroy, author of the p*rnographic sex education texts Boys and Sex and Girls and Sex, predicts that the abortion fight is decisively won by the "pro-choice" side.

1988: A United States first nuclear strike against the Soviet Union kills or injures 100 million persons.

1988: Terrorist nuclear threat against a large city becomes a reality.

1988: The first human clone is produced by nuclear transplantation, fertilization outside the uterus, and surrogate motherhood by a human, monkey, or artificial uterus.

1990: Due to the increasing severity of the food shortage, the following will be a typical menu;

Slug Soup
Wasp Grubs Fried in the Comb Termites Bantu
Moths Sauteed in Butter
New Carrots with Wireworm Sauce
Fricasseed Chicken with Chrysalides
Cauliflower Garnished with Caterpillars
Slag Beetle Larvae on Toast Chocolate Chirpies

1992: 3-1 odds the Federal Equal Rights Amendment will become law [fat chance]!

1992: LSD guru Timothy Leary predicts that the entire world will be Communist, except for the United States, Canada, and Australia [even fatter chance]!

1992: Albert Ellis, author of Sex Without Guilt, predicts that conservative churches will collapse unless they liberalize their attitudes toward sex [c'mon, guys]!

1995: Widespread compulsory birth control in many nations.

2000: The PLANNED PLANETHOOD (!) movement will triumph over all other systems of thought.

2000: Gene mapping will allow parents to deliberately conceive a child to their own specifications.

2000: The abortion battle is finally resolved by embryo transfer to artificial uteruses for full-term gestation.

2000: The control of conception will be removed from personal choice. Males are sterilized at age 14 after depositing a sem*n sample in the frozen gamete bank. Conception requires approval of a state or federal committee, which first investigates the genetic health of the two proposed genetic parents and licenses conception.

2000: Henry Kissinger is elected to the United States Senate from Michigan.

2000: Johnny Carson becomes NBC's chairman of the board.

2005: Human parthenogenesis (cloning), or reproduction from an unfertilized egg, is widespread.

2010: The 'disease' of aging is cured.

2010: Artificial insemination is widely used to produce genetically superior offspring Margaret Sanger's dream of a "race of thoroughbreds" finally becomes a reality.

2020: Women finally achieve full equality with men through ectogenesis (gestation in artificial wombs), and the elimination of menstruation. If this happens, of course, women will become men by shedding their unique characteristics!


Reference: David Wallechinsky and Amy and Irving Wallace. The Book of Predictions. New York: William Morrow and Company, 1980, 513 pages.

Notice that this is more a "wish list" by various Neoliberal activists than serious predicting.

If Men Could Get Pregnant ...


Sign on the door of Manhattan's Magickal Childe "New Age" store.[7]

Abortion As Sacrament.

All longtime pro-life activists have seen the tired old Neofeminist bumper sticker that snivels:


Perhaps this is true, because women can get pregnant, and, to some of them, abortion is literally a sacrament!

Abortion is one of the many areas where the anti-life movement and the "New Age" practically movement coincide. One prime example (but by no means unusual) was a detailed description of an abortion 'liturgy' by Rebecca Altafut in the February 26, 1986 issue of the New Haven Advocate.

This essay, entitled "Abortion With Dignity," relates that Altafut gets pregnant, but she and her lover are not ready to raise a child. Therefore, she details a five-step process for procuring an abortion with religious dignity.

The first step is to ask the unborn baby if he or she doesn't mind being aborted (no, I am not making this up)! This must be done with the utmost seriousness. Curiously, unborn babies seem to be remarkably easy to get along with, because they never seem to forego the intensely religious experience of being disemboweled, burned, and decapitated.

Altafut's preborn was no exception. She says that "I realized: Unborn Children are very forgiving. I was amazed."

She goes on to describe the "many gifts of abortion," including the fact that it is sort of a fertility self-test. Another advantage for Altafut is that "we had no need for birth control" (so much for the pro-abort theory that absolutely no one uses abortion for birth control).

The only flaw in the entire sensuous and fulfilling abortion experience was that they had not been allowed to complete the fifth step of the abortion liturgy, i.e., " ... to take the fetal tissue home with us to ritually return it to the water, to a stream we both love well."[8]

Spirit Attractiveness.

It goes without saying that some of the more manipulative anti-life activists seize on "New Age" concepts to "justify" abortion. After all, they have no logical arguments to back them up, so they must retreat into silly "New Age" psychobabble for their last refuge.

For example, Tony Brown, a Black television host, uses the absurd 'logic' spewed forth by Linda Goodman in her book The Secret Codes of the Universe to support his pro-abortion views; "When a man and a woman mate, a powerful auric light is sent out into the ethers. If this mating is a product of pure lust, the color of the aura is rust-red, and it "attracts" a less-evolved spirit. If a man and woman who love each other mate (whether married or unmarried), they produce a "love child," whose brilliant aura attracts a more developed spirit. Goodman contradicts herself later on in her book when she says that the fetus is a robot, able to move but lacking a spirit, so it is not human. It is guided by "automatic controls," and is not alive until "the instant of the first breath of life."[9]

Satan's Overt Troops.


Satan's greatest triumph is unquestionably that we don't believe in him anymore. Any Catholic or fundamentalist Christian who professes a belief in Satan or his evil works is, quite simply, laughed at. And so, Lucifer can continue to destroy souls almost without opposition.

In fact, there are some who believe that a true Christian is defined not by a profession of belief in Christ but by whether or not the person also believes in Satan!

There are non-Christians who believe in Satan, however and worship him. There exist essentially three overlapping "tiers" of Satanists, as described in the following paragraphs; the 'dabblers,' the 'showmen,' and the 'heavies,' as described in this section.

The 'Dabblers.'

'Dabblers' are usually young people who seek to rebel against society. These are the kids who are heavily 'into' Motley Crue, Ozzy Ozborne, Twisted Sister, and other bands that produce songs with Satanic overtones. These self-styled Satanic "dabblers" spray-paint slogans everywhere (i.e., WASP, "We Are Satan's People"), have drug and sex orgies, and may sacrifice small animals in crude ceremonies.[10] Many times, their activities end in suicide. Generally, they are harmless to others as they slowly destroy themselves.

But some of the "dabblers" reveal the true nature of Satanism as they slaughter dozens of people;

• Charles Manson, whose Satanic cult ritually killed seven people in 1969;

• David Berkowitz, the self-styled "Son of Sam," who randomly shot New Yorkers in the head;

• "Night Stalker" Richard Ramirez, killer of 13 in Los Angeles, who repeatedly shouted "Hail Satan!" during his trial;

• Oklahoman Sean Sellars, who ritually murdered his mother, stepfather, and a store clerk as sacrifices to Satan in 1985. He wrote that "Satanism made me a better person. I can kill without remorse, and I feel no regret or sorrow."

• 17-year old Richard Kasso of Long Island, a member of a Satanic cult called the Knights of the Black Circle, stabbed another 17-year old and cut out his eyes in a ritualistic killing.

• Adolfo de Jesus Constanzo, leader of a group of Satan-worshipping drug traffickers who killed 15 people in hideous rituals in Matamoros, Mexico.

The 'Showmen.'

The 'showmen' attend organized and publicity-seeking Satanic "churches" like Anton LaVey's Church of Satan, Michael Aquino's Temple of Set (an offshoot of the Church of Satan), Our Lady of Endor Coven, the Olphite Cultus Satanis, the Brotherhood of the Ram, the Satanic Orthodox Church of Nethilum Rite, and the Process Church of the Final Judgement.[11]

Almost all of these 'churches' are tax-exempt.

Interestingly, they are all pro-abortion.

These "churches" are overtly anti-Christian, and seek to live a lifestyle opposite that of their perceived "good Christian:" This life includes Black Masses, blasphemy of every type, and unlimited sexual indulgence. Father Joseph Brennan, an expert on Satanism, estimates in his book The Kingdoms of Darkness that there are about 8,000 organized Satanic covens with approximately 100,000 members in the United States.

The relationship of these Satanists to the "New Age" Movement is quite clear; they seek a magical relationship with pre-Christian Pagan gods, as do many "New Age" practitioners, including Wicca (the so-called 'white witches'). Like the "New Age" people, they seek personal spiritual power separate from God.

These "showmen" claim to be law-abiding. If this is true, they are also relatively harmless, except to themselves and those who are drawn into their overtly glamorous lifestyle. They also tend to divert attention away from the "heavy" Satanists, which is the most dangerous group of all.

The 'Heavies.'

The true Satanists are probably derived from a group of wealthy and powerful international families that have been practicing their 'religion' for generations. These families breed their own children for sacrifice, and can conceal their crimes quite adeptly. They deal in extreme hard-core p*rnography, particularly "snuff films," where victims are tortured and murdered on film.

Babies are bred for sacrifice because they are considered to be as sinless as a person can get, and therefore precious to God. There have been accounts of witnesses describing such acts of sacrifice. Babies are sometimes roasted slowly in fires or slowly dismembered and disemboweled. However, the Satanists take good care to heavily anesthetize the babies first.

This is certainly more than can be said for the ghoulish fetal organ harvesters, who avoid anesthetic for the babies because it might 'taint' the organs or impede the procedure.

The Two General Satanic Philosophies.

Within each of the above three general categories of Satanists are two philosophies;

(1) The "anti-Christian Satanists," who believe that they may receive power by appeasing an evil supernatural being through blasphemous ceremonies and sacrifices that may involve illegal activities, and

(2) Those who believe that Satan is merely a powerful symbol representing independence from, as one Satanist put it, "... the stifling dogma, moral codes and injunctions that would serve to inhibit mankind's personal freedom or evolution."[12]

The latter certainly sounds similar to the philosophy of the Humanists, doesn't it?

References: The "New Age" Movement.

[1] Quotes are from Jonathon Green. The Cynic's Lexicon. New York: St. Martin's Press. 1984, 220 pages.

[2] George A. Kendall. "Conference Explains Harms of New Age Movement." The Wanderer, July 27, 1989, page 1.

[3] Bob Sipchen, Los Angeles Times. "Debunking Those 'New Age' Notions." The Vancouver [Washington] Columbian, November 20, 1988, page B1.

[4] Todd Ackerman. "Channeling the Dead for Fun and Profit." National Catholic Register, January 15, 1989.

[5] Katherine Bishop, New York Times News Service. "Miss the Cryonics Society Dinner? Try Again in a Few More Centuries." The Oregonian, January 22, 1989, page E1.

[6] David Wallechinsky and Amy and Irving Wallace. The Book of Predictions. New York: William Morrow and Company, 1980, 513 pages. The predictions shown in Figure 130-2 are by Frederick Davies, Shawn Robbins, and Micki Dahne (1977); Olof Jonsson, Florence Vaty, Jack Gillen, and Micki Dahne (1979); Paul Ehrlich, founder of Zero Population Growth and author of The Population Bomb, and Paul Segall of the Bay Area Cryonics Society (1988); Ronald L. Taylor, author of Butterflies in My Stomach (1990). Should we anticipate the impending introduction by McDonalds of the McLocust and the McSlug?; Jimmy the Greek, LSD guru Timothy Leary, and Albert Ellis, author of Sex Without Guilt (1992). Notice how ultraliberals make their wish lists into predictions of the future, especially with regards to sexual morals. Judith Wurtman (1995); Dan Lundberg, G. Harry Stein, Robert Francoeur, author of Learning to Become a Sexual Person and Hot and Cool Sex, John Catchings, and Frederick Davies (2000); Jerrold S. Maxmen (2005); Robert Truax and Jerrold S. Maxmen (2010); and Amory and Hunter Lovins (2020).

[7] Described in John Wauck. "Paganism, American Style." National Review, March 19, 1990, pages 43 and 44.

[8] Rebecca Altafut's "abortion ceremony" is described in David H. Andrusko. "The Indignity of Abortion." National Right to Life News, April 10, 1986, pages 2 and 9.

[9] Written in the Portland [Oregon] Skanner, August 30, 1989. From Linda Goodman. The Secret Codes of the Universe. New York: St. Martins Press, 1986.

[10] Thomas Case. "Lucifer Rising." Fidelity Magazine, May 1989, pages 16 and 17.

[11] Robert J. Hutchinson. "Satanism in America: Reality or Hype?" Catholic Twin Circle, September 10, 1989 pages 10 to 12.

[12] Rex Diablos Church, a member of Anton LaVey's Church of Satan, quoted in Carmel Finley. "Adherent Says Too Many 'Satanists' Have it Wrong." The Oregonian, August 13, 1989. Page C7. Also see Dana Tims. "Satanism in Oregon: Officials Measure the Threat it Poses." The Oregonian, August 13, 1989. Pages C1 and C7.

References: The "New Age" Movement.

Russell Chandler. Understanding the New Age.
360 pages, hardcover. Order from Ignatius Press, 15 Oakland Avenue, Harrison, New York 10528. The religion editor for the Los Angeles Times summarizes the various truth, health, success, and future-oriented aspects of the "New Age" movement. A balanced study based on interviews with leading "New Age" proponents and Christian thinkers.

Christopher Dawson. Christianity and the New Age.
Order from Keep the Faith, 810 Belmont Avenue, Post Office Box 8261, North Haledon, New Jersey 07508, telephone: (201) 423-5395. One of Europe's foremost theologians describes how the "New Age" is leading us to destruction, and proves that our only salvation lies in Jesus Christ.

Father Anthony Delaporte. The Devil Does He Exist and What Does He Do?.
Order from Keep the Faith, 810 Belmont Avenue, Post Office Box 8261, North Haledon, New Jersey 07508, telephone: (201) 423-5395. The truth about Satan, his goals, his methods, and his many great (evil) achievements in today's world. This book provides many answers to the questions that involve our society's steady disintegration.

Dave Hunt and T.A. McMahon. The Seduction of Christianity: Spiritual Discernment in the Last Days.
Order from Harvest House, 1075 Arrowsmith, Eugene, Oregon 97402, telephone: 1-800-547-8979. Reviewed on page 5 of the May/June 1986 issue of the National Federation for Decency Journal. The New Age is just the old paganism repackaged, and now it is invading the churches! It has gotten so bad that some people don't know what Christianity even is anymore. Read about the subtle compromises made by Church leaders and their practice of New Age beliefs in the place of real Christianity. The book describes some of these practices, including holistic healing, inner healing, positive thinking exercises, and many other. A very controversial book, but highly recommended by many true Christian leaders.

Father James J. LeBar. Cults, Sects, and the New Age.
Our Sunday Visitor, 1989. 288 pages. Order from Catholic Treasures, 626 Montana Street, Monrovia, California 91016, telephone: (818) 359-4893. Reviewed by Marlene Maloney in the July-August 1989 issue of Fidelity Magazine. Describes how cults and "New Age" religions incorporate some of the trappings of Christianity in order to deceive the public, the unchurched, and believing Christians. Special attention is given to The Way International, Scientology, ECKANKAR, the Hare Krishnas, Transcendental Meditation, and others. Also addresses Satanism in detail.

Christopher Nugent. The Masks of Satan: The Demonic in History.
Westminster, Maryland: Christian Classics, 1989. The author traces the history of demon worship and shows how Satan hides behind many attractive guises in order to accomplish his goals. He also documents how evil has crawled out of the fetid swamp it inhabits to become official state policy even today, particularly with regards to abortion and the other central 'life issues.'

Rosemary Radford Reuther. Womanguides: Readings Toward a Feminist Theology.
Beacon Press, 1985. This tract, by one of the leading 'thinkers' of the Neofeminist movement, competently ties together the New Age religion, Neofeminism, and Neoliberalism to demonstrate how a featureless moral landscape may be produced by combining all of these evils.

R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr. The Liberal Crack-Up.
New York City: Simon & Schuster, 1984. 256 pages. Reviewed by Victor Gold on page 35 of the March 1985 Conservative Digest. Tyrrell's thesis: "New Age Liberalism is no longer the sensible, tolerant, highly principled body of thought that liberalism was in decades past. Sometime in the 1960s or early 1970s, it cracked up into a riot of enthusiasms, usually contradictory, always extremist, often non compos mentis."

Paul C. Vitz, Ph.D. Psychology As Religion.
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 255 Jefferson Avenue SE, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503. 1977, reprint 1982. 150 pages. Order from Trinity Communications, Post Office Box 3610, Manassas, Virginia 22110, telephone: (703) 369-2429. Reviewed by Naomi King in an article entitled "With the Self at the Center, Psychology Replaces Religion," on pages 20 and 21 of the February 1984 ALL About Issues. The author analyzes the psychology and methods of the "New Age" gurus who encourage people to make themselves into God.

Dietrich von Hildebrand. The Devastated Vineyard.
Order from Keep the Faith, 810 Belmont Avenue, Post Office Box 8261, North Haledon, New Jersey 07508, telephone: (201) 423-5395. The author describes in harrowing detail the destruction of the Roman Catholic Church in America and in Europe, and the methods of infiltration and subversion now being used to confuse and paralyze all conservative Christian churches in our country today.

© American Life League BBS — 1-703-659-7111

This is a chapter of the Pro-Life Activist’s Encyclopedia published by American Life League.

The New Age Movement: Highway to Hell | EWTN (2024)
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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

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Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.